Screenshots of TightVNC
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Important Note: this is a locally stored version of the page. Real screenshots are available at the corresponding page on the TightVNC Web site.

Here are a few screenshots showing new development version of the TightVNC Win32 Viewer (1.3dev3 version). Comments at the right describe new features represented in each screenshot.

New Connection
Improved New Connection dialog features pre-defined connection profiles, new button ("...") allowing to load connection info from a .vnc file, and another new button to activate the listening mode of the viewer. Context help is available for each control of the dialog (note the question button on the window title bar).
Connection Options
This screenshot shows the Connection tab of the Options dialog. This tab includes connection-specific settings. Note that these settings are saved in the system registry, separately per each TightVNC server. When you connect to a server next time, your settings for this server are restored automatically.
Global Options
Globals tab of the Options dialog. This tab includes those settings that are not connection-specific. Global options allow to configure settings that either were not configurable in previous versions of TightVNC, or had to be set from the command line. Now everything can be configured from the GUI, and configuration is saved automatically in the registry.
Context Help
This screenshot shows context help in action. Context help is available for every control of the Options dialog.
Main Viewer Window
This screenshot shows the main viewer window. Note that in this example, the server shares a single window instead of the whole desktop.

The main window of the viewer now includes a toolbar (it can be removed if desired). The toolbar simplifies performing such actions as sending Ctrl-Alt-Del or Ctrl-Esc to remote side, requesting remote screen refresh, or showing the Options window.
System Menu
This is how the system menu of the viewer window looks like. Please don't be confused by russian text in the upper part of the menu -- the language of the standard menu items (such as Minimize or Close) depends on the operating system localization.

As you can see, hot keys are available for many commands. For example, Ctrl-Alt-Shift-F toggles full-screen mode of the viewer.

In this example, the viewer shows KDE desktop running on a remote Linux machine.
File Transfers
New File Transfers dialog enables copying files between the local computer and the TightVNC server. If necessary, file transfers can be disabled in the TightVNC Server Properties.

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