Reporting Bugs in TightVNC
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First of all: please do not e-mail bug reports directly to the developers. A much better place to report bugs is the Bug Tracker on the site (see the details below). In addition, you might want to send a message to the TightVNC mailing list.

Using the Bug Tracker

The tracker helps to keep all the bug reports in one place. Go through the following steps when reporting a new bug:

  1. Ask yourself is it really a bug. Maybe it's rather a misconfiguration or a hardware failure etc. Double-check that.
  2. If you have not registered on the Web site, please do that before posting a bug report (see more information below).
  3. Go to the bug tracker.
  4. Make sure you are logged in.
  5. Search existing bug reports for similar problems. If it's already there, just post another comment, instead of adding a similar report.
  6. If you have not found an existing report on your problem, consider adding a new bug report.
  7. Choose an informative subject line.
  8. Describe the problem, trying to provide enough information to let a tester reproduce the bug.

Why Registration Is Necessary?

Technically, it is possible to post a bug report anonymously. The registration simply enables sending you notifications on any changes in the bug status. Also, as a registered user, you will automatically receive all the comments attached to your bug report. Note that such comments can include clarification inquires from project developers, or information on possible workarounds.


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